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Greenshoots Award for Principle Investigator of research studies, CRN East of England, May 2021
2nd prize oral presentation at MSO-HNS 2019, Malaysia, June 2019
​Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Award for skull base clinical attachment, University Malaya, Malaysia June 2019
Matthew Yung short paper prize, Royal Society of Medicine, London, March 2019
Best Poster Prize, British Academic Conference of Otolaryngology, Manchester, July 2018
Conchal Bowl Prize, Guys Hospital FRCS course, London, March 2018
BAETS / Ethicon Thyroid and Head and Neck fellowship, Hamburg, January 2018
Research Poster Finalist at the Education and Training Awards, Norwich, October 2015
Journal Reviewer Award ENT and Audiology News Journal (2011-2013)
Multi-Centre Virtual Reality Curriculum Award on Laparoscopic VR simulator, Basingstoke, October 2010
Best Surgical Audit, Basingstoke Hospital July 2010