Looking after your ear, nose and throat needs across Hertfordshire and London

Teaching and Training
Mr Vijendren has a keen interest in teaching and training the next generation of clinicians. He has a wealth of experience running and teaching on courses and is clinical as well as educational supervisor to surgical and ENT trainees.
His experiences has led him to co-author and develop two online freely accessible ENT textbook for health professionals.
He is also a faculty member and regularly teaches on the following courses;

St George Hospital Temporal Bone Dissection course
Cambridge Early Years Temporal Bone Dissection course

Guys and St Thomas FRCS revision course

Care of The Critically Ill Surgical Patient course, Lister Hospital, Stevenage
Access to some of his teaching videos can be found through the following links
Single best answer for medical students - https://youtu.be/Qa53v6fRyK0
Access to some of his online teaching and innovation articles can be found through the following links
Surgical treatment for perforated ear drum - https://www.onehealthcare.co.uk/hatfield-news/perforate-eardrum/?hospital=hatfield
Innovation in surgical visualisation with exoscopic VITOM 3D - https://www.onehealthcare.co.uk/hatfield-news/vitom3d/?hospital=hatfield ​
Ear infections explained - https://www.onehealthcare.co.uk/news/ananth-vijendren-2/?hospital=hatfield
Crackling in ear : 5 reasons you can hear a popping or crackling sound - https://www.netdoctor.co.uk/ask-the-expert/ent/a14/crackling-ears/
Five things you need to know about hearing loss - https://www.highgatehospital.co.uk/blog/five-things-that-you-need-to-know-about-hearing-loss/